Friday, August 3, 2012

Is a Solar Electricity System Right For You?

           If you are thinking about purchasing a solar electricity system for your
home or business then you are joining millions of other energy-conscious
 individuals around the world.  Solar electricity systems provide reliable,
 pollution free energy from a renewable resource better known as the sun. 
Solar electricity systems are becoming more affordable as advancements
are made in photovoltaic designs and construction.
Adding to the affordability, many solar electricity systems are able to
participate in net metering in several states.  This means that as your
solar electricity system generates more power than you are using, your
meter runs backwards resulting in an even swap of power that you use at
other times when you exceed the power supplied by your own solar
electricity system. 

            Before you invest in a solar electricity system for your home or
 business, it is best to understand exactly what you are purchasing and
how solar electricity is generated.  The building block of any solar electricity
 system is the photovoltaic cells, which are wired together to produce solar
electricity modules.  The electricity produced from the modules or panels is
 then passed through an inverter that changes the current from AC to DC,
making it usable to power household appliances and the utility grid.  It is
often a popular choice to include batteries in a solar electricity system to
store backup power to be used in times of low sun light and power outages.
It is important to realize that solar electricity systems work intermittently or
only when the sun hits them.  This is not a problem if you utilize battery
backup systems or are connected to the grid.  Installing a solar electricity
system can also come with an initially high investment cost and it can take
years before the system pays for itself.  However, with net metering and
 government funded rebates, many are able to pay off systems much more
            You definitely don’t need to know the physics of solar electricity
systems to understand its appeal.  A solar electricity system will never run
out of fuel nor will it increase our dependency on foreign oil.  Stop thinking
 about a solar electricity system for your home or business and start
investing in your freedom by starting your research of solar electricity systems

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